Dine in & Takeaway Pizza shop Albury Wodonga



  Ref. A. 421

Located about a Km from a major shopping centre on an arterial road in a residential area with no nearby competition.

This business has traded for at least 20 years and is a good simple easy to run operation and could even suit a proprietor with an additional income stream.

 Presently operated by two partners trading:

Tuesday- Thursday 5pm – 9pm, Friday & Saturday 4.30pm – 10pm, Sunday 5pm – 9pm. CLOSED MONDAYS

This shop is about as simple as it gets and our owners will show you how its done!

Asking:   $72,000 +  small stock at value

Rental $1,775 per month inc GST

Fixed term lease to 2027 + 3 year option.

Enquiries: Peter Campbell 0412 694 069.

All information contained in this website has been supplied to us by the vendors for the use of intending purchasers, and has not been verified by this office. Potential purchasers should therefore make their own enquiries, and seek professional advice. Since prices for businesses can vary, the latest information should always be sought.All inspections must be arranged via our office.


Price:$72,000 + stock

Listing Inquiry