Very secure 5 days business opportunity. Business operates from an historic 1882 building Gross Commissions from Australia Post & Mail runs approx. $400,000 p.a. There are two mail runs with Mazda BT50 ute and Nissan X trail vehicles.
This is a very secure & stable business, with no direct competition, and highly regarded training for new operators. Presently operated by a sole proprietor. Please note that you need to be an Australian citizen or have permanent residency.
More information at: https://auspost.com.au/about-us/operating-as-a-post-office/licensed-post-office-lpo-information
Hay: (population approx. 3,000) is a major regional mainly agricultural and tourism centre at the junction of the Cobb, Mid-Western and Sturt Highways on the Murrumbidgee River. The nearest larger centres are Griffith (24,000) approx. 110km, Mildura (35,000) 290Km, Wagga Wagga (73,000) Swan Hill (15,000) 220Km.
Asking: $500,000 Plus stock (est $35,000) & vehicles (est $20,000)
Rental $2,707.70 per month inc GST
All information contained in this website has been supplied to us by the vendors for the use of intending purchasers, and has not been verified by this office. Potential purchasers should therefore make their own enquiries, and seek professional advice. Since prices for businesses can vary, the latest information should always be sought.All inspections must be arranged via our office.