Situated in Sturt Mall shopping centre Wagga Wagga (pop 68,000) with over 600 car parks & supported by over 45 specialty stores including Coles, Kmart, KFC.
Business has traded for 43 years and opposite a recently refurbished Coles supermarket. An independent retailer with no ties to franchises. Indicated sales are up 45% over FY 2022
Food sales include sandwiches, bakery, cakes, donuts, coffee.
Unbeatable corner site of busy food court with a mixture of Australian, Asian & Middle Eastern cuisine this business has been a very consistent earner with the original owner now wishing to retire
Lease available to May 2026
Opening hours 9 -5.30 weekdays, to 7.00pm Thursday, Saturday 9 – 3, Sunday 10 – 3. Currently employs 1 part time, 5 casuals
Asking: $195,000 + small stock at value
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