Newsagency, Corowa. S.NSW Ref. A. 389



Corowa (pop about 6,000) is a major regional centre on the Murray River in NSW, about 60km from Albury Wodonga (110,000), and about 280Km from Melbourne (5M).

Corowa Newsagency has enjoyed continuous family proprietorship for over 125 years.

All Lottery requirements have been met, nothing to spend, the only newsagency in Corowa. Corowa benefits from major rural and manufacturing industries, and also strong tourism along the Murray River with major caravan parks in the town, and the nearby North East Victorian wineries.

Turnover in excess $1 million per year, good lottery commissions, better than

average profits. Est $400K p.a. net ex wages

Asking:   $450,000 plus stock $100,000

Rental $520 weekly + GST+ outgoings

Freehold additional $700,000, also includes a leased residential property

Enquiries: Peter Campbell 0412 694 069,

All information contained in this website has been supplied to us by the vendors for the use of intending purchasers, and has not been verified by this office. Potential purchasers should therefore make their own enquiries, and seek professional advice. Since prices for businesses can vary, the latest information should always be sought.All inspections must be arranged via our office.


Price:$450,000 + stock
Post Code:2646

Listing Inquiry