Fantastic low risk no competition opportunity in a modern shop with full size rear 3 bedroom residence. Business is again building up quickly following our clients taking over in July last- even though it is currently trading just 5 days weekly.
The shop has good highway exposure being opposite a roadside rest area and close to a caravan park. and is next to a motel and hotel.
Rankins Springs is on the Mid Western Highway about 60Km from Griffith (approx. 30,000)
Rear residence offers 3 bedrooms, generous kitchen lounge living area with a private rear yard and side carport. The side yard also has a large shed.
Asking: Freehold Property & Business $175,000 + small stock SOLD
Enquiries: Peter Campbell 0412 694 069
All information contained in this website has been supplied to us by the vendors for the use of intending purchasers, and has not been verified by this office. Potential purchasers should therefore make their own enquiries, and seek professional advice. Since prices for businesses can vary, the latest information should always be sought.All inspections must be arranged via our office.