One of the best known & profitable businesses is for sale in Dubbo’s main street. Situated on a very conspicuous corner site close to Coles supermarket entrance. This business has been operating for 7+ years and is currently operating under management. Trading hours are 11am to 9pm daily.
Be your own boss & work with friendly staff & satisfied customers.
Dubbo (45,000) is a major service city in Central Western NSW at the junction of the Mitchell and Newell Highways, with very strong growth prospects.
Financial reports can be provided upon signing a confidential agreement from the exclusive agents.
Asking: $195,000 + small stock at value
Rental Approx $60,000 p.a. ($1,200 weekly) + GST + outgoings.
Secure 7-year lease.
Enquiries: Peter Campbell 0412 694 069
All information contained in this website has been supplied to us by the vendors for the use of intending purchasers, and has not been verified by this office. Potential purchasers should therefore make their own enquiries, and seek professional advice. Since prices for businesses can vary, the latest information should always be sought.All inspections must be arranged via our office.