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If you a regular visitor to this website you will be aware that it is regular updated with new opportunities coming in constantly…and quite often they sell!

If a listing appeals to you – or perhaps you are looking for something not currently offered – please email us or call 1300 367289.

As a general rule, we will require you  to complete a confidentiality agreement prior to disclosing confidential business information. If the business looks interesting we arrange to have an inspection with the owner/manager at a convenient time, often after hours.
Remember, that under the terms of our agency agreements inspections for any of these listed businesses must be co-ordinated through this office.

Some of our other services for buyers include:

Finance.  Its no secret that Australian Banks are nowhere near as receptive to business loans as say, housing loans.  That’s why we have good ongoing relationships with successful brokers in Albury and Wagga. So if we believe there is a deal there, we will provide as much support as possible “to make things happen”.
In some limited circumstances, we can arrange vendor finance. Providing the security is adequate, this can be quite beneficial, as the interest rate is usually very competitive, and usually only initial start up fees apply.

Stocktake. As a general rule, purchasers pay the wholesale value of the goods for sale or supply, with the GST component identified for future use.We provide assistance at stocktake for our business sales, wherever possible.

Training and Restraints. As a general rule, 2 to 4 weeks training by the seller for the new owner is required in the business contract. For franchises, and licences like Australia Post, this is more intense, and sometimes longer. A restraint clause is also usually standard in a business contract to protect the buyer from the previous owner/seller opening up and  competing.


Post Author: conrad