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Minxs Pty Ltd uses personal information collected from you in order to act as your agent and to perform the Agent’s obligations under agency agreements.

We may also use information collected to promote our services and or seek potential clients.

We may disclose such information by use of the internet or otherwise, to parties including media organisations, potential buyers, clients of our agency

(both existing and potential), parties engaged to evaluate the business or property (as the case may be) solicitors, tradespeople, bodies corporate, financial institutions, government and statutory bodies and third parties as required by law.

We will onlu discloswe informatuion in thius to other parties as required to performoour dutues under our agreements to achieve the purposes specifiied above or as alotherwise allosed under the Privacy Actg ( Commonwealth 1988).

If you would like to access this information, you can do so by contacting us at 47 Amaroo street Kooringal NSW 2650 or Level 2 111 Hume St Wodonga Victoria 3690. You can also correct this information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

Real Estate and Tax law requires some of this information to be collected. If the information is not provided we may not be able to effectively act on your behalf or at all.

Post Author: Peter Campbell